With the GDPR deadline in May 2018 approaching Brick Marketing was contacted by Smiro Qualitas to carry out a full GDPR audit of the business.
Simro Qualitas is a leading Quality Consultant in the Pharmaceutical Sector. In such a highly regulated sector Robert felt that providing evidence of a full GDPR audit would not only ensure that his company was compliant but would also demonstrate his commitment to maintaining regulatory standards within his own business.
Brick Marketing worked with Smiro Qualitas to investigate any GDPR compliance issues. The audit was thorough and detailed covering every element of the business from personally identifiable information that may be held digitally and hard copies kept in locked filing cabinets. The audit included a full review of their website and all terms and conditions. A final report of compliance, recommendations and a statement of compliance were all issued to the client.

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“I was extremely happy with the work that Natalie performed on behalf of my company. She took the time required to explain the requirements of GDPR with respect to my business and then took the time required to understand how my business worked and how I acquired and handled data from a GDPR perspective. Finally, I received appropriate advice on how I could build on my GDPR compliance. At all times, I found Natalie to be a professional and competent individual with excellent knowledge of the GDPR regulations.”