Wylde Sky Social Media Management


Wylde Sky is an award winning, independent craft brewer nestled between Essex and South Cambridgeshire. As well as healthy wet sales to a plethora of local businesses and
hospitality venues they have a thriving tap room with music events, pub quizzes and visiting food trucks.

Regular promotion on social media of the beers available that week, food trucks and
events is a key part of the marketing for Wylde Sky. Due to a change in the team Paul and
Ross found themselves having to manage the social media on top of brewing, fulfilling
orders and growing the business.


It was important to keep the continuity of the posting so initially we replicated the
same format that had been adopted, creating stories and posts to support each evening’s opening hours and activities. We then evolved the look and approach to sit within the strong Wylde Sky branding.

We reviewed their social profiles and optimised them to improve discoverability as well as
simple housekeeping on their accounts such as checking links worked, adding the links into instagram, tidying up the highlights and making them relevant to the business.

We also introduced a regular post to appeal to craft brewing enthusiasts with tasting notes
and animations to ensure the range of award winning brews was communicated and visible.


Wylde Sky were able to continue their regular posting with the help of Brick Marketing and saw significant growth through the use of posts, stories, tagging of food trucks and regular community engagement with the community.

Overall growth during this period was as follows:

– Followers grew across Facebook by 23% and Instagram by 33% 

– Content engagement* was up by 205% on Facebook and 100% on Instagram.

(* The number of likes or reactions, saves, comments, shares and replies on your content, including ads. Content can include formats such as posts, stories, reels, videos and more.)

At the end of the contract we trained Paul so that they could manage the accounts on their own whilst having open communication with us in case of any emergencies, of which there have been none.

Social Media should be a key part of your marketing mix enabling organisations to get their messages in front of their target audience. If you are looking for help with your social media marketing as a one off or on a retainer, or would like a free review give us a call or an email and lets have a chat.

Wylde Sky Brewing
Call Us
077977 225576
Email Us

We found Natalie and the team at Brick Marketing to be extremely helpful and followed our brief very well when undertaking management of our social media platforms. They were very quick to action any last minute postings and were always professional and courteous. We have no hesitation in recommending their services

Paul Ellio

Co -Owner, Wylde Sky Brewing Ltd